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Mock Up.IR.Manager.Investor relations in turbulent times E-BOOK


The COVID-19 crisis has dramatically intensified the already ascending volatility of the financial markets. Significant asset turnovers on the stock exchanges are causing shareholding structures to change more dynamically and faster than ever before. This poses complex challenges and opportunities for many companies and their investor relations departments.

This e-book will help IR professionals to actively nourish relationships with institutional investors and other stakeholders in the financial market, in order to maintain the trust of their investor base and to proactively identify potential new investors, even during turbulent economic times.

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Insights you will gain from this e-book:

  • Why digital IR work is the "new normal"

  • How investor relations are changing in turbulent times

  • Why issuers must expect a fluctuation in shareholders

  • How to anticipate investors needs

  • What to focus on when targeting new investors

About IR.Manager

The new standard in CRM for Investor Relations

Optimise your IR team workflow and efficiently manage relationships with institutional investors, analysts and other stakeholders. IR.Manager is a cloud-based user-friendly CRM and targeting tool for investor relations professionals.

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